PAZH | Man learned great lessons in this way, but not all of them ended with smiles and shouts of happiness. 5 deadly and unforgettable lessons humankind to conquering space.
۵ deadly and unforgettable lessons humankind to conquering space.
۱. Missiles don’t pity their lovers
Max Valier was burning with longing for a daring trip to Mars in the late 1920s. That’s why he tried to create cars or planes that ran on missiles. He tried to be an inspiration for those who wished to travel from Berlin to New York in an hour.
Max Valier knew full well that these efforts paved the way for the dream of building a rocket that could take humans into deep space.
۲. An Ominous day for launching missiles
A new rocket, the R-16, was tested at the Baikonur Space Center on October 24, 1960. A small mistake led to a massive explosion and the death of 74. This incident was so horrible. The Russians covered up the news, but it later became known as the Nedelin catastrophe.
But October 24 was still preparing for more terrible nightmares in the future. Three years later, the Russians failed another missile test that killed eight people. From now on, they decided not to launch any missiles on October 24 and, it was called Black Day.
۳. Oxygen is the friend or foe of astronauts
Valentin Bondarenko was fascinated by flying since childhood. He graduated from the Armavir Air Force Pilot School just at the beginning of the space age and the launch of Sputnik-1 from the Baikonur space base.
Valentin Bondarenko was soon accepted as the youngest member of the Russian spacecraft. He joined the crews that took part in the simulation of the first manned spacecraft.
Valentin’s Skills led him to become one of the main options for the first human flight into space and was a potential competitor to Yuri Gagarin. But an incredible mistake led to a terrible and deadly destiny for him. The incident hides until the 1980s. The age of human space travel began less than three weeks after the death of Valentin Bondarenko.
۴. Fights death to conquer space
Sometimes successful flight with the plane X-15 needed to be something more than courage and scientific knowledge, and these were great lessons that human beings had to learn. The deadly experiences were very bitter and unforgettable for the leading astronauts because nothing for those who are fascinated by astronautics is more bitter than death on earth.
Michael Adams at that time recently had received the Honts Trophy as the best pilot scientist in his group. He was a pilot for the 100th flight of the X-15 aircraft.
Michael Adams sat in the cockpit for the seventh time. He was to release into the sky from an altitude of 14,000 meters. Then he was reaching up to a height of more than 70,000 meters, and finally, he was landing on Delamar Dry Lake.
But flight problems began with an electrical disturbance, and this led to successive problems with the X-15’s orientation toward the horizon. As the plane spun around sharply, the ground control center was unaware of the dangerous condition of the aircraft. Until the catastrophe reached its peak, and the X-15-3 aircraft was destroyed.
The engineers decided to use an attitude indicator in the ground control room to know more precisely the current state of the aircraft. The Air Force also decided to donate an astronaut wing to Adams because he had experienced an altitude of 81,000 meters and entered space on his last flight.
۵. Walk to the Angel of Death
Alexei Leonov was one of 20 Soviet men tasked with realizing the astronaut dream. The men went to a place where even the scientists did not have any clear idea about it. Maybe, this mission was something like the voyages of Christopher Columbus at an unknown sea.
Alexei went into space by Voskhod 2 and took his first step on a spacewalk. He hoped that the rescue belt 5 meters save her from unwanted events if needed.
Alexei was the first to realize that the pressure in space is very very low. This caused his astronaut clothes to swell, so he could not go back into the spacecraft’s cabin. Alexei Leonov had been left alone in space without any help.