Until UFO is in the sky, even if you’ve been allegedly caught on cameras, can not be a document suitable to experts. We require more tangible evidence, for discovering the truth about UFOs, especially alien creatures on our planet.
PAZH | For discovering the truth about UFOs, especially alien creatures on our planet, we require more tangible evidence. Fortunately, there are pieces of evidence over the past century, and we probably will have good help. The adventures that might offer some clues to finding the truth.
The most famous story, that each ufologist is familiar with it, is the Roswell UFO incident. The story of a warm summer day in 1947 that the name of a little town in New Mexico sets in the news headlines of the USA.
Everything started with a report. Mac Brazel, a local farmer, reported to the air force about the fall of an unidentified object, and the army quickly entered the area. But UFO news is faster than all reports of the intelligence service.
Newspapers carried headlines a few days after stating, that a flying saucer crashed in Roswell and now is under the government. This news that was the hottest topic of the year changed in the next few days. Government officials stated that only has been found a balloon and there is no flying saucer.
We can divide the history of Roswell before the UFO incident and after it because it has changed everything. And without a doubt, That is a happy ending for cities that suffered from economic problems, Because UFO tourism works very well. On the other hand, ufologists attempted to discover the truths and of course, they did change the town of Roswell into a mythical place in the history of UFOs.
But, is there any truth behind the Roswell UFO incident? Many researchers, such as the author and nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman seriously were Looking for clues from the truths.
Maybe the best answers were hiding in the heart of a man called Jesse Marcel. Marcel was a flight surgeon in the U.S. Navy, and more important of all he was an intelligence officer in the incident of Roswell.
Stanton Friedman went up to him and where it suddenly flipped. Marcel tells him the shocking facts about his strange experience in the incident Roswell. The mysteries of the encounter with the remains of the flying saucer shocked the world.
Friedman sure was Marcel honestly talking about the incident of Roswell, so he did get more interviews of witnesses.
On the other hand, the government has tried to control other opinions about the Roswell incident. So they offered reasons such as adventure crash test dummies and operation test flights. But the Roswell conspiracy story was now the seven dragon series that actually wasn’t unmanageable.
With all this fame, the incident in Roswell isn’t the only UFO crash incident in the world and this news was the best news of the century for ufologists. In fact, the first accident of UFO was on 17 April 1897 in the tiny Texas city of Aurora.
On the morning of 19 April 1897, published a paper in the Dallas Morning News. That report was about a UFO incident. According to the paper, a UFO crashed into a windmill two days before.
No one had survived the incident, but evidence showed that the pilot is a passenger from another planet. The account says that an army officer emphasized that the pilot’s corpse, not a human but the passenger is from Mars.
The corpse had been buried at the nearby Aurora cemetery that which was the exciting part of the paper. Also, they poured the remainder of the UFO into the well. With discover and publishing the old news, Ufologists found new hopes.
The research group traveled to Aurora and found a grave in the cemetery, that seemed, to be carved with a flying saucer on its gravestone. But the research group’s request for exhuming was rejected by Community Cemetery.
Also, there was no possibility of searching in the well because the new owner of the farm had made a new building on the well. And eventually, the research group announced that pieces of evidence were inconclusive in this story. But awesome adventures of UFO incidents aren’t limited to the USA. Another famous accident occurred on 4 October 1967, in Canada, in waters near Shag Harbour, and fortunately, there were many witnesses. They notice flying a large object, in a roughly rectangular formation, above the southwestern horizon.
A pilot of flight 305 of Air Canada was any of the witnesses in this accident. The pilot had seen a UFO out the left side of the plane. Just two minutes later was that occurred explosions near the UFO Led to its crash. At the same time, nearly twenty fishermen had stood on their vessel and watched this crash. They quickly formed a group Search Beach, but in the ultimate, recorded in the report no trace of a UFO or another object was found.
Also, there is interesting evidence of crashed UFOs in Russia.
In Kapustin Yar where a crash of UFO occurred less than a year after the Roswell UFO incident, and became famous as Russia’s Roswell.
Kapustin Yar is merged with legends and is highly protected in Russia. Just like Area 51 in the USA. Russians built this site after WWII in the center of the country at that time called the USSR.
Kapustin Yar had built for missile tests and programs design and testing new aircraft. The importance of strategic Kapustin Yar was such that a town had abandoned because near it.
Kapustin Yar had built for missile tests and programs design and testing new aircraft. The story on 19 June 1948 began when radar operators recognized a cigar-shaped unknown object. A MIG quickly took off into the air to intercept an unknown object. The unknown object still was moving toward the Kapustin Yar. The pilot of MIG was ordered to shoot fired a missile at UFO.
Seemed that too UFO attacked MIG with an energy weapon and so they both fell. The search group quickly moved towards the crash place, and the remains of the UFO were recorded and gathered by the Russian army.
The importance of the story of Russia’s Roswell is very extent. Some experts believe reverse-engineering this UFO caused accelerated growth of technology in Russia.
It is safe to say, that the absence of suitable environments for public discussions about UFOs incidents caused the create these theories, which are known as conspiracy theories. There is a big problem, and it is the destruction of the truth